TABSE Research Journal

TABSE Research Journal
Published Annually in July

Editorial Statement

TABSE Research Journal (TRJ) seeks to publish completed research papers submitted to the Dr. James A. Johnson Research Institute during the annual TABSE State Conference that address diverse challenges facing and present findings that benefit students of African descent and educators who serve them at secondary and post-secondary grade levels in the State of Texas and afar. We consider “value-added” papers with diverse topics, framings, methods, and resolutions that reflect this range and are open to papers with a developed problem statement, perspective(s) or theoretical framework, methods and procedures, results and conclusions, and the educational or scientific importance of the study. We also consider TRJ an effective tool for guiding seminal research and reaching a broader audience in hopes of effectuating positive change throughout the state and nation.

Aim and Scope

TRJ encourages papers, empirical or conceptual in nature, that test new theories, re-imagine existing studies, explore interesting phenomena, and innovate a mixture of methodologies that scaffold specific hypotheses and research propositions in the education field. We aim to give voice to and champion researchers who share our values of educational achievement, educability, adequacy, dignity, worth, equity, and education quality due to every student. TRJ strives to be a developmental publication refereed with respectful and constructive feedback while offering a symbiotic likeness of the publication experience.

Submission and Review Process

Calls for proposals are requested annually. To submit your completed research papers, read the Dr. James A. Johnson Research Institute Proposal which includes detailed submission and review procedures. View the normal review process for TRJ as various workflows are completed prior to reaching a decision. Reviewers are responsible for advising the Chief Editor or co-editors on whether to accept, revise, or reject an article. Researchers are informed in a timely manner to respond to either decision. Reviewers are selected based on diverse backgrounds, expertise, and careers proximal to the education field.

Author Guidelines

Submitted manuscripts can and may be reproduced, distributed, translated, and created derivative works of an article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and author(s). TRJ follows a seamless and expediate peer-review process and asks authors to observe the following format and style requirements:

  • 12-point readable font (preferably Times New Roman)
  • Format including introduction, body text, references, appendices, tables, and figures
  • Double-spaced body text, single-spaced references
  • 8.5 X 11 page size
  • Pages numbers (bottom-right of each page)
  • American Psychological Association style

Manuscripts should be no more than 15 pages including appendices, tables, and figures. TRJ reserves the right to return manuscripts that do not follow format and style requirements back to the author(s) for revision and resubmission to ensure the timely flow of the manuscript through the peer-review process. Plagiarism of any kind is not permitted.

Statement of Ethics

All TRJ editors, co-editors, peer reviewers, and other persons assuming official roles take full responsibility for adhering to the highest ethical standards when participating in the review and publication processes. TRJ deems such standards strictly enforceable as written works are viewed as valued commodities and safeguarded with the utmost discretion and integrity. All research papers are kept confidential and are not shared with or among other reviewers unless otherwise approved by the editors and authors involved.

Latest Issue

Volume 1, Number 1

TABSE Research Journal

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