TABSE Featured Partner of the Month: Association Member Benefits (AMBA)

association member benefits

Association Member Benefits Advisors (AMBA) is a nationwide full-service agency focused on plan design, negotiations, and implementation of benefits for Associations that represent Active and Retired Teachers, School Employees, State Employees, Firefighters, Nurses, and more. They are a turnkey benefit provider with exclusive negotiated insurance benefits programs and discounts on travel, electronics, dining, and more! AMBA assists Associations and School Districts in obtaining high-quality benefits for their members and employees.

Currently, AMBA partners with more than 70 associations in 37 states and over 5 Million members.

In 2020, AMBA made a 4-year pledge commitment valued at over $50,000 in financial support and other services to TABSE in support of our organization goals and community programming.

For more information about your benefits provided by AMBA through your TABSE membership visit:

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