Renowned State Educator Conference Comes to Houston

[vc_row padding_top=””][vc_column][vc_column_text]FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  

Dr. Kimberly McLeod – President

Educators looking to grow, network, advance professionally, stay informed of legislative initiatives impacting education policy and current 21st Century best educational practices are encouraged to attend the premier educational summit known as the Texas Alliance of Black School Educators (TABSE) State Conference.

This year, TABSE is uniting with the Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education (TABPHE) to host a joint conference to empower, educate and engage educational leaders.

Houston, Texas has been designated to host this joint conference, February 22-25, at the Hyatt Regency located at 1200 Louisiana Street. This year’s conference theme is Educate, Engage & Empower: The Time is NOW! This conference will provide excellent learning opportunities designed to meet the needs of every educator and is the premier professional development conference for educators.

This joint conference will unite hundreds of state superintendents, university and college presidents, elected officials, central office leaders and teachers.

“We have some outstanding district and campus leaders slated to present,” TABSE President Dr. Kimberly McLeod said. “Districts and schools that have experienced academic success with children of color or low socio-economic status will share their journey to meeting Texas Education Agency accountability standards.”

In addition, there will be career institutes for educational professionals who aspire to be principals, athletic directors or superintendents. TABSE proudly boasts of placing more than 10 superintendents and other educational and campus leaders around the state of Texas who have been trained through the TABSE career institutes.

Additionally, TABSE’s legislative institute has promoted individuals to local and state board positions and have trained them in understanding contributing to educational policy and implementation.

This annual conference is an opportunity that comes once a year to unite and equip educational professionals with a skillset, knowledge base and network to propel them to new professional and experiential heights.

Educators do not want to miss this learning opportunity, so, for more information, visit TABSE Conference for additional conference information.  

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: TABSE members, supporters, superintendents, principals, school board members, education human resource professionals, deans, professors, education department heads, administrative/educational support staff, teachers, parents, curriculum specialists, students, clergy, employers, job seekers and any individual or organization concerned about the education of our state’s children.


  • LEADERSHIP Relevant issues faced by district leaders, principals, and aspiring leaders, including counselors and school board members.
  • STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT – Curriculum alignment, instructional design, and assessment development strategies that result in improved student learning. Specifically, addressing topics such as; literacy, Science, Technology, and Math (STEM).
  • PARENT AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT – Practices that promote parental engagement as well as community building sustainable partnerships that benefit the community.
  • DIVERSE LEARNERS Discussion of the unique academic needs of diverse learners including, underserved students, SPED, and ELL learners. Exploration of how best practices to better understand and incorporate insight into diversity in the classroom.
  • HIGHER EDUCATION CONNECTION  Addresses issues that pertain to higher education personnel and students obtaining an advanced degree and/or aspiring to work in higher education.
  • HIGHER EDUCATION/RESEARCH  Researchers may present their research on topics in higher education.
  • COLLEGE/CAREER READINESS Addresses issues that relate to college access and job attainment including, ACT/SAT involvement and advanced placement for minority students.
  • EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY  These sessions will address successful and/or innovative tools to enhance student and professional learning.
  • DISCIPLINE/CULTURAL RESPONSIVENESS/RESTORATIVE PRACTICE This strand will address specific strategies that will help educators address guidance and management for students of African descent.


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